Whiplash. Everyone has heard about it, many have had it. But what is it. Contrary to popular belief, whiplash does not have to have the head whip fully to extreme degrees. Most whiplash occurs from small collisions of under 20 miles per hour. When your car is struck from behind the car will be pushed out from under you, leaving your head behind. This will put the neck bones (cervical spine) in an abnormal position and this will pinch the joints of the cervical spine. This injury will happen in less than one second.
You may be told that this cannot cause neck pain, headaches or upper back pain because the impact was small or the head did not move much. But how often do you see professional football players blow out a knee without even getting hit because their body moves one way and the knee joint moves another way. The size of the impact does not matter. What matters is the angle of the impact, type of vehicle, direction you were looking at the time of impact and your position in the car seat to name a few.
This is a very brief discussion on whiplash and how it can create neck pain, headaches and back pain. If you have any other questions or have been in a recent car accident please give us a call. My name is Dr. Greg Beasley and I have been treating whiplash victims for 19 years. We offer massage therapy in office along with X-rays if you need them.